Innovations for Sustainable Land- and Energy Management on a Regional Level

The ”Energiewende” and the associated transformation of the energy system also have effects on land use. It is leading to increase demand for open land for the production of renewable energy and to conflicts between environmentalists, the tourism industry, agriculture and residential construction over the use of land. And frequently there are problems in the acceptance of this change in the general populace, for example when renewable energy plants are constructed, to which communities often respond with one-dimensional solutions. Intercommunal or regional, integrative solutions, in contrast, still receive too little attention. For that reason, the Innovation Group INOLA is pursuing the goal of generating innovative and regionally adapted systemic solutions for sustainable, regional energy systems that are intercommunal and span rural districts, taking as an example three rural districts (Region Oberland) in the greater Munich area.

model region Oberland - source: LMU Munich

Project duration

01.10.2014 – 31.12.2019

Project webpage


Dr. Anne von Streit
(joint project coordination)

Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich
Department of Geography


Project partners

  • Bürgerstiftung Energiewende Oberland
  • ifo Institut - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschafts-forschung an der Universität München e.V.
  • Hochschule Kempten - Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften
  • Stadtwerke Bad Tölz GmbH
