stadt PARTHE land

Cultivated Landscape Management as a Bridge between Cities and Rural Areas

What determines our image of our cultivated landscapes – is it only the economic benefit? What is the value of a “beautiful” cultivated landscape to us and what are we prepared to pay for it? The Innovation Group stadt PARTHE land places economic development and esteeming intrinsic value into a relationship with each other. The “land” does not just need technological innovations, but also discussions about the cultivated landscape and an increase in the sensitivity toward the intrinsic value of landscapes. These can ultimately have a positive influence on their economic development.

Project duration

01.09.2014 – 30.11.2019

Project webpage


Florian Etterer

Technical University Dresden

+49 351 463-31914

+49 351 463-37016

[email protected]

Project partners

  • DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gGmbH
  • Grüner Ring Leipzig vertreten durch die Stadt Leipzig
  • Leipziger Gartenprogramm vertreten durch die culturtraeger GmbH
  • Professor Hellriegel Institut e.V.
  • TU Dresden
  • Zweckverband Parthenaue
